CPS Pets

Christie’s Photographic Pets


From the mysterious lands of the toy aisle hails Christie’s mascot, Pixel. Her beautifully large eyelashes brighten our days and we never know where she will show up. She moves around the office, claiming her spot when others are out. Pixel was selected as Christie’s mascot and office pet because she sticks her necks out for our clients and rises above the competition. Always willing to pose when it’s time for portraits in the studio, Pixel is the perfect representation of Christie’s. We are lucky to call her our mascot and the office would not be the same without Pixel!

Hi my name is Louis, I am part Corgi, part mutt and part crazy! My mom and Dad, aka Lisa and Bob, rescued me 11 years ago and I am approximately 13, or 91! I am a nervous sweetheart who has one ear permanently up and one always down, I consider it perfect for selective hearing…. I am a world traveler and have survived a stroke, 2 bouts’ with melanoma and love every day. Treats, squirrels, rabbits and car rides make my tail wag….I am a good kisser!

Hi my name is Riley, I was rescued by my wonderful parents , Keith & Kathy, after coming down from West Virginia 12 years ago ending up at Pet Rescue by Judy. I still chase lizards and they hang out of my mouth until my mommy yells and let me out. Squirrels are getting a little too fast but I still try. Life is good!


Hello! My name is Tiny and I am a pit bull. Don’t let my breed scare you! I love cuddles and butt scratches as much as the next dog. My mom is Rosemary. I’ve been with Rosemary since 2020. Such crazy times! My hobbies are sleeping, play fighting with my daughter, and trying to steal my humans food! I also like watching cartoons, they are always so interesting to me! Smiling in my sleep seems to be my humans favorite thing to see but little do they know; I smile because I dream of an endless buffet of food! mmm food


HELLO FRIENDS! My name is Snowball, I am Tiny’s daughter. I’ve been with Rosemary and her family since 2019. Not as crazy times as 2020 but I made it just as crazy for them. My favorite things to do is play tug of war (I always win), steal whatever cardboard is in the house, and yell at all the humans in the house when I want to go outside. My humans love to buy me toys even when they know I will demolish them in 10 minutes, I just get too excited! I also tend to bump into people when walking, why is everyone always in my way?!


My name is Bean and I am a 4-year-old mini dapple dachshund living a spoiled life in Orlando. My parents, Rachel and Kevin, rescued me from Low Rider Dachshund Rescue a year ago, and I have just recently become the official CPS office guard dog! Some of my favorite activities include long car rides, playing fetch, barking at strangers that come into the office, following my mom everywhere she goes, and napping in a cave of blankets. I was recently the ring bearer at my parents’ wedding and completely stole the show!


I’m Ellie and I’m basically the best cat in the world. I’m all about being the center of attention and will put on a puppet show with cat toys for company. It’s the best day ever again.


Hi, I’m Moxie! I’m a ray of sunshine every day. I super love going to dog parks and trying to “help” with everything my mom does. Not sure why she always makes me get out of her way. I love everyone and all other animals and even have a book written about me. Squirrel!

Hi, I’m Jackson and I absolutely love to be around people and socialize. I’ll talk to you too! I am very friendly and affectionate.
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Qualified Equipment List

We ask candidates to have at minimum a 24-70mm and 70-200mm lens in addition to one of the camera bodies below.

Suitable for backup:
1DX Mark II
5D Mark IV
Suitable for backup:
6D Mark II
5D Mark III
a9 II
a7R IV
a7 III
Suitable for backup:
GFX 100
Suitable for backup: